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The MyCollege Online Workshop

You're afraid that you are (or your student is) going to be saddled with college debt for a degree that fails to help you get the job you want.

The MyCollege Online Workshop will show you how to take control of your college education and conquer looming debt in four modules.

Navigate - Choose a college and make a plan using self-guided learning options.

Accumulate - Take credit-by-exam tests and earn your college credit in unique, reliable, and accredited ways.

Actuate - Apply to your college and take your classes.

Graduate - Get your degree and land your first job.

It's a simple four step process, and you won't regret purchasing it. If you do, take advantage of our seven day money back guarantee

We care about your success more than anything else, and we're so excited that you're thinking about letting us be a part of that success.
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Students need to finish college debt-free, and MyCollege, with its four modules, will enable them to finish college debt free, early, and in a way that enables them to jumpstart their careers.

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